
Showing posts from April, 2023

Privacy Rights on HIV or Not

Ever since the HIV/AID outbreak, multiple concerns have floated in everybody’s mind. The question comes up in your head whether this person has a deadly, yet manageable disease. How does it spread and how can we stop it? Where did it come from and what are we doing to prevent more cases? There is no way to know if someone has it without asking or with ought them telling you. Should people be required to tell you their personal health problems? Many people feel it's important to maintain their privacy, yet on the other hand people believe it should be public information. Understanding the controversy means understanding the disease. The first few outbreaks of AID’s started in the early 1980’s. It results from infection by the human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV. The virus destroys cells of the immune system, leaving the body vulnerable to a variety of opportunistic infections (Farrell, Nancy). The reason why the disease was so dangerous is because it could take months before pe...

GGC's Nursing Program

Being a decent person motivates you to want to help others. Whether it be your family, friends, or even a stranger. I enjoy all three aspects of helping others, which is why I decided to take up nursing. This decision was both easy and hard for me to make. I have always known I wanted to be in the medical field, so growing up and doing research helped me understand what profession I was headed towards. Understanding and profiling the school I attend helped me realize they had many resources to help me achieve my dream. Georgia Gwinnett College is a four-year college that encourages students to join and participate as many clubs and programs as possible. One of those programs includes their distinguished and outstanding nursing Program. They have been fully approved by the “Georgia Board of Nursing and received a NSNA Stellar School Chapter Recognition in 2020-2021" (Bachelor). Although I have not been able to join the program, I know that it was “created to develop health care ...